So this weekend was spent traveling and working. I went to a very amazing beautiful place with my man. He went snow boarding and I worked an event. Well tried to work there really wasn't that much for me to do but it was nice to get away and enjoy some beauty!
sweet and cute moments:
1) We are in our hotel room that over looks the amazing rocky mountains, he trips over my shoe and I say "oh be careful" and he says "I'm just falling for you" lol aww so sweet and cute
2) sitting at the gala at our table and I try this cracker he is having and I say "odd it tastes like there is something sweet in these" he leans close to me and says "the only thing sweet here is you" and kisses my cheek. Pitter Patter goodness so sweet what a guy.
3) also at the table at the gala we are holding hands and laughing, kissing, looking deep into each others eyes and I say "oh my goodness we are THAT couple", he laughs and say "what couple?", Me "the couple that everyone hates at the table, people looking and rolling there eyes and one old lady looking sweetly at us I'm sure thinking something lovely about us, you know the gushy couple" and he pauses and says "oh we totally are" and then kisses me again.
So needless to say I'm totally smittin with this man and tonight is the first night in I don't know how many days that I will be sleeping alone and I already miss him. I'm not going to see him tommorrow ether and he is going away for the night so that means two nights alone. Which makes me sad. He kind of mentioned something about spending so much time together that we should live together.... ok so thats a little scary!
I'm crazy about this guy right now but my last living situation with a man and I so do not ever want to experience something like that again! I don't think he would ever turn into that but man it freaks the crap out of me. I right away said I don't think thats a good idea yet, it being so soon and all. But I think it would be really nice, and I think that we would be really so great together in all ways so scary but nice sounding. Any way I'm not totally sure whats going to happen but I think it is moving something amazing. I'm totally sleepy so I feel like this is not understandable any more so I'm going to go.
But on a final note I'm just a really happy girl and I am thankful for this whatever comes of it.
hooray - I love this post!
This sounds so dreamy and fantastic - I need an injection of this :)
Love you!
um.. where is a new post... i want to hear more fabulous stuff and what about pictures of lake louise - got your postcard - you are awesome! thank you soooo much! it got here at the right time!
love you!
I'm really happy you got the post card, thats an orginal thought from me to you so you have the only copy in the world! Of the writting not the picture... I will post photo's of Lake Lousie in Facebook I would think it takes forever for them to load on here!
Love you too!
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