Well this week is going by a little fast and a little slow at the same time. I have a lot going on this weekend coming up and have to figure out how I'm going to do it all. Then next week I only work 3 days and then I move! Crap I really need to kick my packing into high gear! There is so much I have to get done still and it seems like I'm putting it off a little too much maybe so this weekend I'm going to pack everything I do not need! To get it out of my way and into the boxes. I just really have to start packing my kitchen and other little things it does not seem like much to do.
I really just need to start disabling my life here at this place. I'm really looking forward to moving and can't wait to be in the new place and make it my own. I think I might pack a bit of my kitchen stuff tonight thats the next part. I need to buy some packing tape and then I can finish everything else. Looking around it does not seem like I have that much stuff but I know there is more then I really think there is. I have to start calling people too and canceling all my services changing address. boo I hate that part! But maybe I'll see if I can get a move on some of that tonight. Any who I just thought I would up date and thats all for now.
I will more then likely update one more time before I move but after that it might be a little while before I'm on again as I have to get a wireless connection thing before my computer will have internet again. so funfun! Wish me luck with that one I have no idea how they work!
Any way I'll try and update again soon.
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