Thursday, December 30, 2010

I need a vacation!

I need a vacation I think I might go on strike and take off cause I feel like I have an extra shot of crazy lately. Also I think my hormones are still a little bit out of wack cause I feel totally off! Not so much fun :(

My little man is growing every day now he has officially grown out of number 1 dippers and almost all of his 3 month clothing! FYI he is only a month and a half old!!!! So he is wearing 6 month old clothing. Some are way to big others fit perfect so who knows.

I was totally concerned about his hearing but trust me he can hear!!!! WOOP I was an evil mommy and tested when he slept he is just picky about what he responds to. Any way daddy is almost done feeding baby so that means I'm up and its bath time.


1 comment:

the author said...

Does this mean you are coming to visit?

Hormones will take six months to regulate... could be sooner, but don't expect them to even out for a while yet...

Tonight I'm remembering exactly why I wanted to live in Bouchie Lake - I hate the neighbours - the drug house next door is going again - he is totally trafficking and then the place out back had lots of cops on scene tonight - it is bull shit - the whole neighborhood is bull shit... I freakin' hate them

Even now I can hear people knocking at the neighbours house looking to score - it wouldn't surprise me if there isn't a tunnel being built between the two houses - this would cover up their operations WAY better - and then they could really move stuff and have gang wars and more prostitutes - for five cents! ROAR!